Stephen Hayter

Retired Sales Director at Simplify
An estate agent straight from school (many years ago), qualified as a Valuer, Auctioneer and Chartered Surveyor. Helped build and run estate agencies, independently and corporately owned, till the early 1990’s. For 3 years was a practicing Valuer doing mortgage valuations, compulsory purchase valuations and Right to Buy valuations. Became a self employed trainer and consultant to the industry. Worked with quasi Government bodies to develop NVQ’s in estate agency providing internal and external verification services. Quickly understood the growing need and influence of ICT within the business. Had a desire and vision to help the industry change. Became a founder with others of MyHomeMove helping it to grow into the country’s largest conveyancer and conveyancing provider. Over the last 20 years have been witness to many changes within the business so have a strong grasp of the challenges that are being faced. But I haven’t sold a house for many years – but when I did I was bloody good at it !


Managing change
Business plans
Confidence building
Managing people

Why Mentoring:

I feel that with the life and business experience that I have that I could help agents – I can offer help and advice BUT it must be understood that I have not done agency for a long while YET I have a broad overview of what is happening in the agency market.